Loker pada Peranan People Development pada Chandra Asri Petrochemical
Sedang Dibutuhkan sekitar 1 staff untuk mengisi pada posisi Tanggung Jawab People Development pada Chandra Asri Petrochemical yang berlokasikan di kota Gunung Sugih, Ciwandan, KOTA CILEGON, BANTEN, Indonesia
Sehubungan ketentuan yang dibutuhkan adalah seorang dengan:
- Kategori gender Laki – Laki / Perempuan
- Menyelesaikan Sarjana
- Status Perkawinan menikah & belum menikah.
- Usia Calon Pelamar ialah antara hingga tahun.
- Kondisi Jasmani Pencari Kerja:
- Keahlian yang dibutuhkan: lms
Kemampuan Calon Pelamar
- Minimum Bachelor Degree all major
- Minimum 1 year working experience at online learning platform
- Have skill in content design & using it’s software
- Proficiency in Ms. Office
- Fluent in English both spoken & written.
Jangkauan Upah
Jangkauan Upah ialah sampai *
Diskusikan Besaran Kompensasi yang disiapkan ini dengan beban kebutuhan Anda juga dengan UMR daerah tempat perusahaan ini bertempat yakni Gunung Sugih, Ciwandan, KOTA CILEGON, BANTEN, Indonesia, jika Anda merasa cocok maka silahkan lanjutkan, namun ketika Anda merasa tidak cocok silahkan cari loker lainnya sesuai kemampuan dan bakat serta gaji yang Anda inginkan.
Informasi Tambahan Fungsi Loker
Tingkatan tantangan dalam wawancara: normal
Chandra Asri Group is a leading chemical and infrastructure solutions company in Indonesia with a track record of over 31 years in the petrochemical industry. The company employs over 2,000 dedicated staff, incorporates state-of-the art technologies and supporting facilities located strategically in the country’s industrial hub, Cilegon and Serang. As a Growth Partner, Chandra Asri is committed on creating high-value jobs, expanding the domestic petrochemical value chain, and serving the needs of the vibrant and growing Indonesian market. Chandra Asri is currently expanding its portfolio in the energy sector and incorporating its asset as well as operational infrastructure to supports the expansion plan of the second world-scale integrated petrochemical complex in Indonesia, CAP2.
Responsibility :
- List down all activities and group the activities in respective job area or job family to define competency needs
- Develop plan or agenda for competency development project and monitor the progress accurately
- Collect and process data related functional competency dictionary annually to ensure the alignment with company and/or business direction
- Perform functional competency assessment, prepare the result of competency dashboard, and monitor the competency dashboard to ensure the availability of updated information regarding employees’ competency
- Identify competency gap and employees’ competency profile correctly based on guidance
- Prepare and facilitate annual learning & development program (ALDP) through blended learning concept (70:20:10) to ensure smooth delivery and the program effectiveness.
- Liaise with related functions to address competency gap, especially in planning & design phase
- Prepare functional competency management report correctly and in timely manner
- Utilize or operate competency management tools based on guidance.
- Standardize training content, training materials, training modules and teaching aids
- Determine ways to integrate technology into the classroom and adopt learning technology to optimize knowledge transfer
- Evaluate and revise existing curriculum as needed and adapt into digital format
Qualifications :
- Minimum Bachelor Degree all major
- Minimum 1 year working experience at online learning platform
- Have skill in content design & using it’s software
- Proficiency in Ms. Office
- Fluent in English both spoken & written.
This position will be placed at Site Office Cilegon
Important Notes
Chandra Asri is only releasing official job posting at Chandra Asri Career Site (careers.capcx.com), Linkedin & Jobstreet. The Company will contact shortlisted candidate via official corporate email & phone, and will not send any hardcopy invitation for interview. Please note that the Company doesn’t ask candidates to transfer some amount of money nor cooperate with any travel agent.
Rincian Korporat
Kode Wajib Lapor Ketenagakerjaan Perusahaan atau ID WLPK: 11410.20117.20181215.0-001
ID Wajib Lapor Ketenagakerjaan Perusahaan atau ID WLPK: c028eca6-9519-4a4c-a476-f49e1eb7847d
ID Klasifikasi Baku Lapangan Usaha Indonesia atau KBLI Business ID: e1825112-0db7-4d9b-a094-6cc37ad98360
Mengenai Korporasi
Sektor Industri: Industrial Goods & Chemical
Surat Elektronik: hamonanganpanggabean1952@gmail.com
Telepon: –
Halaman Web: www.chandra-asri.com
Prosedur dan Periode Pendaftaran
Wajib diingat baik-baik Sebelum mengajukan lamaran pastikan Anda telah memenuhi kualifikasi dan keterampilan yang dibutuhkan oleh Chandra Asri Petrochemical agar tidak menyia-nyiakan waktu, usaha dan uang Anda. Jika Anda telah serius memenuhi kualifikasi serta Anda juga cocok dengan Gaji serta Posisi yang ditawarkan serta Lokasi Kerja, maka silahkan kirimkan Portofolio Anda.
CV bisa dikirimkan sejak 2025-01-22 13:57:53 dan disarankan telah diterima perusahaan sebelum 2025-04-30 16:59:59.
Dari 1 posisi yang dibutuhkan, telah diterima sejumlah 0 Kandidat.
Anda bisa mengirim loker melalui opsi di bawah ini :
- Kirim Email ke hamonanganpanggabean1952@gmail.com
- Kirim Portofolio secara langsung ke Alamat Chandra Asri Petrochemical: Chandra Asri Petrochemical, WISMA BARITO PACIFIC TOWER A, LANTAI 7, JALAN LET. JEND. S. PARMAN KAV 62-63, -, www.chandra-asri.com
- Melakukan Pendaftaran Melalui Website Ini:
Apakah masih memiliki pertanyaan perihal lowongan kerja, perusahaan ini dan lain-lain? Anda bisa ke: recruitment@capcx.com