Loker Tangerang Untuk Bidang Residential & Commercial Project Manager di Pengiklan Anonim
Pengiklan Anonim saat ini juga tengah mencari pegawai guna memegang peranan Residential & Commercial Project Manager (Konstruksi) di Pengiklan Anonim, Tangerang. Di bawah ini, Penulis informasikan deskripsi sekilas informasi lowongannya.
Info Lowongan Kerja
Tingkatan Loker:
Lulusan atau Pelatihan Minimal:
- Responsible for overall construction project activities and oversee their progress along the way in a timely and cost-effective manner
- Ensure that all activities within the designated areas are well planned, and coordinated and be able to utilize all available resources in coordination with other functional lines in directing and supervising all involved site personnel and contractors.
- Inspects work in progress to ensure conformity with QA/QC specifications and requirements, Standards and Procedures, and provides technical advice to resolve problems.
- Leads and ensures all technical works are properly guided, in close cooperation with the Project Management’s goal, in assembling and controlling the required resources (manpower, equipment, materials, and tools required) to start and sustain the work efficiency and productivity until the completion of the project.
- Interact with other project staff and leaders, review reports from staff for corrective action if the project becomes behind schedule or over the budget
- Candidate must possess at least Bachelor’s Degree in Civil Engineering
- 8 years of working experience in the related fields
- Experience in Project or Construction Management for Landed Projects
- Able to prepare Project Master Schedule
- Able to prepare Project Management Reports periodically
- Has strong knowledge of Construction Concepts and Methodology
- Work Location: Tangerang, Banten
Experience Pekerjaan:
Kesepahaman Lowongan: Full time
Kemahiran Pemahaman Kerja yang diinginkan: Konstruksi
Gaji Pokok nan Fasilitas
Rentangan Gaji Pokok
s.d. |
*Apabila besaran gapok tidak muncul, artinya perusahaan atau pengiklan sengaja menjaga kerahasiaan rentang gapok.
Informasi Profil Pengiklan Anonim
Pengiklan Anonim – Tangerang, yaitu sebuah badan usaha di mana melibatkan diri di bidang Konstruksi, menampung .
Alur serta Metode Melamar Lowongan Kerja di Pengiklan Anonim
Apply boleh dijalankan dengan cara salah 1 dari beberapa metode, adalah:
- Mendaftar dengan cara email (*cari alamat surel di search engine misalnya DuckDuckGo atau juga social media korporasi contohnya Twitter )
- Mendaftar secara langsung ke kantor perusahaan atau Pengiklan Anonim, yakni di Tangerang
- Melamar via tombol di bawah: