DKI Jakarta

Loker Quality and Food Safety (QFS) Manager pada Indolakto Jakarta Timur


Loker Quality and Food Safety (QFS) Manager pada Indolakto Jakarta Timur

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Loker Jakarta Timur Pada Posisi Quality and Food Safety (QFS) Manager di Indolakto

Indolakto kini tengah membutuhkan tenaga kerja untuk menjalankan fungsi-fungsi Quality and Food Safety (QFS) Manager (Manufaktur, Transportasi & Logistik) di Indolakto, Jakarta Timur. Selanjutnya, Tim Kami jabarkan rincian singkat informasi lokernya. 

Detail Lowongan Kerja

Tingkat Lowongan:
Pendidikan atau Workshop Terakhir:

PT Indolakto is a subsidiary of Indofood. With the wide range product make PT Indolakto to be Top 3 Dairy Industry in Indonesia. Our Head Office is located at Jalan Raya Bogor KM 26.6, Ciracas, Jakarta Timur. PT Indolakto has 1001-5000 employees.

Our Vision:

“To be the market leader of dairy product in Indonesia and to bring good corporate image anywhere in the world through high quality products.”

Our Mission:

Creating added value for PT. INDOLAKTO by delivering high quality products throughout the world through good business management and utilization of opportunities of cooperation with foreign and domestic partner as well as possible.



  • Have a minimum of 5 years of experience in quality assurance, demonstrating the ability to develop and implement robust quality and food safety systems.
  • Profound knowledge of quality and food safety systems such as ISO, FSSC, CPPOB, PMR, NKV, HACCP, and QMS, among others.
  • Exceptional documentation skills to create comprehensive policies, guidelines, and procedures.
  • Outstanding presentation skills to effectively train and instill quality standards across the organization.
  • Proficiency in auditing processes to rigorously assess and ensure compliance.
  • Additional expertise in microbiology, thermal processing, aseptic technology, and inline/online quality control instruments would be advantageous.


Job Description:

  • Developing, implementing, and reviewing comprehensive quality and food safety systems.
  • Creating and refining policies, guidelines, procedures, and standards.
  • Ensuring availability of facilities and fostering workforce awareness on QFS.
  • Conducting audits, verifications, and compliance assessments.
  • Continuously reviewing and enhancing the quality system to stay industry-leading.

Experience Karir:
Perjanjian Lowongan Kerja: Penuh waktu
Kepiawaian Materi Pekerjaan yang diutamakan: Manufaktur, Transportasi & Logistik

Kompensasi nan Bonus

Rentang Kompensasi


*Jika total gaji pokok kosong, artinya perusahaan atau HeadHunter dengan sengaja merahasiakan rentangan gaji pokok.


  1. Opportunities for professional growth and development
  2. Competitive compensation and benefits
  3. Complimentary lunch provided

Profil Indolakto


Indolakto – Jakarta Timur, yaitu sebuah korporat yang mana aktif di segmen Manufaktur, Transportasi & Logistik, memiliki .

Proses serta Cara-cara Apply Lowongan di Indolakto

Melamar boleh dikerjakan dengan cara satu diantara banyak langkah, antara lain:

  1. Mengirimkan dengan cara email (*cari tahu alamat email di search engine seperti Browser hp atau sosial media korporasi contohnya Tiktok )
  2. Mengirimkan secara langsung di wilayah korporasi atau Indolakto, yakni di Jakarta Timur
  3. Melamar melalui tombol berikut:


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